The psychology of the coupon: Do they really work?
The holiday season has just ended; President’s Day is coming. Lots of holidays are coming up in 2018. What day will be the biggest shopping day of the year? Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday — and I’m sure the experts will think of other fancy names for other days to promote additional shopping behaviors. For […]
4 creative ways to get your sales foot in the door
Sales is a game of, “How can I convince my prospect to buy my product or service and become a valued customer?” Many of us have attended sales seminars, read sales books, Googled the best online sales techniques, hired sales coaches, learned techniques from our sales manager and management teams and tried many strategies, all […]
3 ‘aha’ strategies for networking
In my recently completed fourth book titled “ Networking — Get Connected,” I worked with my publisher to write 140 tips about the art of business networking. That’s it — just 140 simple yet thoughtful “aha”s that will push you to employ networking strategies to grow your company’s top line sales and bottom line profits. […]
A mobile app will help set yourself apart from the competition
It is no secret that consumers love to purchase from companies that have a strong brand image. This is part of the reason why many of the largest companies continue to increase their market share with exploding sales year after year. Given the enormous competition of so many similar products and services, how can we, […]
7 things to think about if you sell commodity products (and want to survive)
Do you work for a company that sells a truly unique, proprietary and patented product? If you do, congrats and I’m jealous. However, many of us sell commodity products. I’m frequently asked by prospective salespeople about the future of non-proprietary businesses. Here’s my simple answer: I don’t know. How’s that for honesty? But I do […]